A Joint Message

ABC Impact’s journey in 2023 was marked by resilience, innovation, and steadfast commitment to impact-driven investing. As we reflect on our progress and look ahead with optimism, we remain dedicated to delivering exceptional value for our investors while effecting lasting positive change in the world.

Global Focus,
Asia Purpose

We identify and invest in impactful solutions from around the world to address Asia’s unique challenges. By investing globally, we aim to import and adapt innovative solutions that address the unique challenges faced by Asian communities. Through our investments, we are dedicated to building a bridge between global advancements and local applications, ensuring that the progress and benefits are felt deeply within the region.
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At a Glance

US$ 100 M
Fund I
US$ 100 M
Fund II (Launched, with Final Closing in 2024)
Portfolio Companies with One Exit1
1 Successfully exited Sunseap investment in 2022

Launch of Fund II

With a robust track record from our inaugural fund, we launched Fund II in August 2023 and secured over US$550 million in our first closing. This underscores the support and confidence investors place in our disciplined and evidence-based investment strategy. As we look towards the final close of Fund II in 2024, we remain steadfast in our mission, forging partnerships with likeminded investors to drive lasting positive impact on communities and the environment across Asia.

Impact Highlights

People Supplied with Essential Services
Metric Tonnes CO2 Emissions Avoided

Bridges to Excellence: Certifications and Collaborations

In the vibrant landscape of impact investing, authenticity and accountability serve as guiding principles. At ABC Impact, our journey is marked by a deep-rooted commitment to both. Certifications and partnerships are vital threads weaving us into a tapestry of positive change. They validate our dedication to rigorous impact measurement and responsible practices, while also fostering connections within a community of like-minded visionaries.

In 2023, we achieved the B Corp Certification, a testament to our commitment to responsible practices. Additionally, we joined initiatives like the 2x Gender Initiative and the ESG Data Convergence Initiative, amplifying our connectivity and collaborative spirit within the impact investing community. These milestones reflect our belief that transparency, collaboration, and collective action are not only essential but also transformative forces in shaping a better future for all. 

B Corporation™ Certification

Embedded within our investment process are core ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) factors, reinforcing our unwavering commitment to driving positive change while delivering sustainable financial returns.

The B Corp certification, awarded by the non-profit organisation B Lab, validates ABC Impact’s pursuit of impactful change across all our investments. This acknowledgment underscores our commitment to delivering tangible, measurable outcomes while driving continuous improvement. By affiliating with the growing B Corp community, we unlock access to a global network of kindred spirits, fostering collaboration and collectively shaping a future that is more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable.

To attain B Corp certification, ABC Impact underwent a thorough eight-month assessment and verification process known as the B Impact Assessment. This rigorous examination scrutinised our fund’s operations, business model, and impact across diverse stakeholders, encompassing employees, communities, and the environment. The comprehensive assessment extended to our governance processes, ensuring the adherence to ethical standards and transparent practices throughout our operations.

Overall B Impact Score

Based on the B impact assessment, ABC Impact earned an overall score of 99.4. The median score for ordinary businesses who complete the assessment is currently 50.9.
Overall B Impact Score
Qualifies for B Corp Certification
Median Score for Ordinary Businesses
Overall B Impact Score
Qualifies for B Corp Certification
Median Score for Ordinary Businesses

“The B Corp certification and our journey to achieve it underscore our deep commitment to meeting high standards of social and environmental impact. We believe that finance can be a force for good, and we are proud to join the community of B Corp businesses worldwide who are helping to create a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable world.”

David Heng

CEO, ABC Impact

ABC Impact Investment Forum

Explore the dynamic impact of collaboration as leaders, innovators, and changemakers converged at ABC Impact’s Annual Investor Forum. This annual gathering is an important catalyst for forging partnerships with purpose and profit, exemplifying our commitment to collective action and shared prosperity.

Looking Ahead

While quantitative metrics provide valuable insights, impact investing demands a deeper examination. At ABC Impact, we recognise the significance of qualitative analysis and meticulous assessment in gauging the true difference we make in people’s lives and the environment. Consequently, we proactively pursue innovative approaches to address data scarcity, particularly in emerging Asian markets, so that we obtain more comprehensive impact validation throughout the investment cycle.

As a result of our size and focus on Asia’s early growth stage market, we benefit from access to a wide range of promising investment opportunities. Beyond providing capital, we leverage our extensive network and operational expertise to support the growth of our portfolio companies.
Our internally developed Impact Measurement and Management system aims to deliver tangible social and environmental benefits alongside compelling returns. In a BlueMark verification exercise conducted in May 2022, ABC Impact was recognised as “Advanced” in several key areas among 66 impact investors.

We prioritise addressing Asia’s most urgent social and climate challenges through our impact lens, while also aligning with long-term macroeconomic trends to promote sustainable growth.

Our portfolio comprises a balanced mix of social and climate investments spanning diverse markets across Asia, encompassing various stages of development. This strategy not only mitigates risk but also positions us to capture the vast growth potential inherent in the region.

Our Asia-based team brings extensive private equity experience to the table, coupled with a nuanced understanding of local customs and a well-established network throughout the region. This enables us to identify unique opportunities and navigate the complexities of the market effectively.

With extensive experience in deal analysis, ABC Impact operates with insights that enable us to strategically allocate resources for optimal impact and returns.

Copyright 2024 © ABC Impact. All Rights Reserved

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Looking Ahead

At ABC Impact, we understand that impact investing goes beyond just numbers. While quantitative metrics are crucial, we believe in taking a deeper dive. We know that to truly measure our impact on people and the environment, we need to conduct thorough qualitative analysis and assessments. 

That is why we are constantly seeking innovative solutions to address data scarcity, especially in emerging Asian markets. This ensures that we can validate our impact every step of the way throughout the investment cycle.

But our commitment does not stop there. We are always learning and improving. We are conducting in-depth beneficiary studies to see first-hand how our investments are changing lives in communities, and we intend to eventually measure and report biodiversity impact as well.

And it is not just about our portfolio. As a leading pan-Asian impact investor, we are all about sharing knowledge, developing standards, and building connections in the industry. While impact investing in Asia has come a long way, there are still misconceptions about how to achieve solid investment returns.

But we see immense opportunities ahead, especially as we tackle the region’s most pressing social and environmental challenges. At ABC Impact, we are ready to seize these opportunities and make a real difference in Asia and beyond.

CIOs Message

Since inception, ABC Impact has been laser-focused on building a robust impact and investment measurement system. This allows us to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability and responsible investing, showcasing progress, while also informing future decisions.

2023 had presented challenges with geopolitical tensions, spiking commodity prices, and increased cost of capital. Amidst this backdrop, our impact fund navigated with agility and purpose having honed our lens, identifying the right business models to back and the key factors for adoption.

Technology emerged as a bright spot, driving continued investment such as AI solutions. This highlights the enduring power of innovation in shaping a more sustainable and equitable future and we made two investments in tech-driven companies to fight plastic pollution and reducing food waste.

Beyond investments, we focused on solidifying our impact framework. We continued to align our metrics with international standards, earned B Corp certification, and joined the 2xGlobal gender initiative and the ESG Data Convergence Initiative, actively contributing to standardization and best practices.

Collaboration remains a cornerstone of our approach. We partnered with the Centre for Impact Investing and Practices (CIIP) to share knowledge and mentor emerging impact investors. We actively participated in industry events and knowledge-sharing initiatives, contributing to the growth of the impact investing ecosystem.

Looking ahead, we are optimistic. We have a strong foundation, a refined investment strategy, and a deep network of partners. We are confident that by continuing to prioritize impact and financial returns, we can deliver exceptional value for our investors and make a lasting positive difference in the world.